The New Year Resolutions, lies, and failed attempts are ready to start…lol. Everyone that said, ”Next year will be the year for me to get in shape and start eating healthy” is about hit the gym and start fad diets. Absolutely nothing wrong with that if you at least give it more than 2 weeks before falling off the wagon.
For the last 3 years in January I spend 30 days indulging in a Pescatarian or Vegetarian diet. Typically to cleanse my system of all of holiday junk food, overeating and processed foods, and sweet full of sugar. My main struggle is cake… I LOVE CAKE... so giving up cake and coffee for 60 days will definitely feel like torture, but I’m committed to this temporary dietary lifestyle change.
This year my challenge is the Paleo Diet with occasional vegetarian dishes. I believe this will broaden my cuisine horizons and provide great inspiration for interesting recipes to put in the archives.
Let’s keep in mind… I’m not going to be chasing the local wildlife just to put some meat on the plate, but the local farmers market and of course Whole Foods will be visited quite frequently. Fresh and Organic Fruits and Vegetables along with lean Grass Fed Organic Meats would of course be ideal for maintaining consistency with the dietary restrictions, but frozen can be just as rewarding. NO CANNED veggies…EVER... #gross.
Paleo Basics
No Processed Foods
No Refined Sugar
No Grains or Bread (wheat, oats, barely, quinoa, rice)
No Legumes or Beans
No White Potatoes
No Dairy (This will be optional for me, who doesn’t like cheese and sour cream? I got limits)
Plenty of Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Lean Meats, Healthy Oils (olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil), Spices, & Fresh Herbs.
My modifications are to still keep minimal dairy, though i do not drink, but have cheese and natural sour cream, Honey and Agave as natural sweeteners.
Stay tuned for weekly recipes and menus as I partake on this journey of healthy clean eating for the next 60 days.